How Can a Pest Control Plan Protect Your Home and Yard?
July 22, 2022
Want to keep bugs and other pests out of your home before they even arrive? Learn how a pest control plan does exactly that through thoughtful prevention.... Read More
Flour beetles, saw-toothed grain beetles, cigarette beetles, drugstore beetles, mealworms, Indian meal moths, granary weevils, rice weevils, and Angoumois grain beetles are all examples of common types of pantry pests that we deal with here in Florida. These pests are known to infest and contaminate stored food products in order to breed and feed and can become a huge problem inside the homes, grocery stores, food processing facilities, and other food-related businesses that they invade.
These pests aren't considered dangerous pests as they pose no direct threats to us in the form of bites, stings, or the spread of harmful diseases. But the biggest threat that pantry pests pose is the contamination of food sources. Pantry pests typically have four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult, and the larval stage is usually the stage that these pests become the most destructive or “dangerous”. When they invade, the female pantry pests will lay their eggs in a stored food product, and when those larvae hatch, they will begin feeding on and contaminating that product with their saliva and excrement. In the case of a large-scale infestation, this can become very destructive.
Adult moths, beetles, and weevils can find their way into homes or other buildings on their own through spaces found around windows and doors, open screens, and other small openings they may discover. Additionally, many pantry pest adults are attracted to outdoor lighting, which draws them close to the entrances of homes. However, the most common way that pantry pests enter homes is through stored pantry products purchased from a grocery store that were already infested with eggs or larvae.
Pantry pests can breed and feed on a variety of stored food products found in kitchens and pantry areas including whole grains, beans, corn, pasta, flour, cereal, cornmeal, dried fruits, chocolate, cookies, spices, and more. These food-infesting pests can be found living and breeding in a variety of different places and can become problematic in a wide variety of commercial and residential buildings including grocery stores, food processing facilities, food storage facilities, pharmacies, restaurants, and homes.
Eliminating a pantry pest infestation can be quite tricky because to completely resolve the problem, all the eggs, larvae, and adults found infesting your home or establishment need to be found and eliminated. And the best way to achieve this is with the help of a pest control professional! At Reynolds Pest Management, our professionals will complete a pest analysis and evaluate points of access on your property. Based on our findings, we'll create a treatment plan to eliminate the infestation and prevent future problems with pantry pests and other common household invaders. For quality pest control solutions for pantry pests here in South Florida, reach out to us at Reynolds Pest Management!
Pantry pests can be difficult pests to prevent, but the following tips can help to keep them out of your home’s kitchen and pantry areas:
Before purchasing dry goods from the store, check for rips or tears in packaging.
Avoid buying bulk items from the store, if possible.
In your home, store food products in air-tight containers.
Regularly rotate items in your pantry, discarding old or expired items.
Place weather stripping around windows and doors.
Make sure that your window and door screens are intact.
Turn off outdoor lighting when they are not being used to avoid attracting pests to your property.
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July 22, 2022
Want to keep bugs and other pests out of your home before they even arrive? Learn how a pest control plan does exactly that through thoughtful prevention.... Read More
October 15, 2019
Not only do ants come into our homes and infest, but they like to hang around the doors. Click to learn how to get rid of ants outside your home.... Read More
Are you in need of quality residential or commercial pest control? Reach out to Reynolds Pest Management!