Sometimes you have pests in your walls and you wouldn't even know it. It’s an unnerving proposition, living among a silent infestation. The problem will continue to grow over time, and eventually could cause real damage to your home. There are many answers to your pest problem, though people will debate endlessly over which answer is the best. Personally, we’re fond of tube systems that exist in your walls to actively deter pests from colonizing your home. These systems work best when installed during construction or renovation, but the proper technician can install and service the system on any home.
The reason you might be wondering why you’ve never heard of anyone using these tube systems is because they get a bad name. In-wall pest control tubes have quite a few misconceptions floating around about their safety and viability. Today, we’re here to debunk those myths and tell you why these systems are an excellent choice for your home.
How They Work And Common Misconceptions

In-wall pest control systems work through a network of tubes that run through your home, before attaching to an outside port. Each tube is no larger around than a pen, and they have slits that distribute a slow supply of chemicals throughout the inside of your walls. Usually around twice a year, a technician will come blow the tubes out with air and refill them with new chemicals. Homeowners don’t ever have to worry about treatments because the chemicals are present at all times.
Why, then, do in-wall pest control tubes get such a bad name? Let’s look into 8 main reasons in detail.
#1: Chemical Exposure
Many people are under the impression that in-wall pest control tubes expose themselves, their family, and their pets to unnecessary chemicals, but that's simply not true. The levels of chemicals in your walls are minute. Also, the chemicals don’t penetrate your walls. Any pesticide running through the tubing will never make it through your drywall. Traditional pesticide spraying exposes your home to just as many (if not more) chemicals than tube systems.
#2: Tubing Is Expensive
Installing tubes during a construction process is actually very cheap. The entire job usually runs under $500, and while that may seem expensive, those tubes last a long time. There’s no reason that you won’t have the same tubing in your walls for years to come. That’s the beauty of the system! An initial investment and some small service fees are all it takes to prevent pests from ever getting inside.
#3: You Still Need Appointments
Part of the convenience of tubing is that scheduled appointments aren’t necessary to keep your home pest-free. Other pest control services want you home and on alert when servicing your home, or you may even have to leave your home all together while it’s fumigated. In-wall pest control tubes allow a technician to refill your system from the outside service port. This means your home stays pest-free without you ever knowing the technician has come to refuel your system with chemicals.
#4: Tubing Is Only Preventative
In-wall pest control tubes are preventative measures to protect your home against critters. However, they can be used to take care of existing infestations if you’re willing to go through the hassle of installing tubing. What’s more, sometimes just upping your chemical distribution through existing tubes can quell an infestation that may have avoided the initial prevention.
#5: Tubing Is Always Enough
Tubing will likely keep any pests away from your home. However, the tubes do not cover every inch of your interior. Pests could find their way into your house through areas not protected by the tubes. With the amount of damage and monetary loss pests can cause, it’s wise to invest in a secondary pest control system. There’s no such thing as being too protected!
#6: Tubing Lasts Forever
While tubing does last a long time, nothing lasts forever. Eventually, the tubes in your walls will age and could start to leak. It’s important to discuss with your installation provider just how long your system should last. While chemicals won’t normally seep through your walls, a leak could potentially change that.
#7: Your Installation Company is Your Only Hope
Many in-wall pest control tubes companies frame their installation as the be all, end all of pest control. They’ll say you have to use their company to service your system because they use “special tools" or "special chemicals" and, of course, “No other company will work!” Claims like these are nonsense. Any pest control company with the correct tools can service a tube system.
#8: It’s All A Scam
In-wall pest control tubes are not a scam! When something is out of sight and out of mind, people often tend to assume it’s sitting stagnant. This is not the case with tube based pest control. Potential customers also get nervous when pest control systems are pitched to them during the construction process. Home builders may assume that contractors only mention the systems to up their own pay day; we can promise you that turning down in-wall pest control tubes because they’re “a scam,” or “money trap” is an excellent way to open your home to infestation. The costs associated with pest damage are immense! Don’t risk your home’s value just because you can’t see the tube system in action. In-wall pest control tubes don’t deserve the bad name they often get. Sometimes people put too much faith in these systems, but by and large they overlook them because of preconceived drawbacks.
As we hope you’ve learned today, these misconceptions simply aren’t true. If you’re in the market for a pest control company to install or maintain your systems, get in touch with us. We work with a wide variety of pest control systems to best suit your home’s specific needs. Whether you’re dealing with bugs, rodents, or something else, we want to help. Our team of technicians will have your home pest free before you know it, so don’t wait any longer - The bugs are coming!
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