Tent Fumigation
Termite control companies are always happy to estimate you a higher rate and never miss this opportunity, so your ignorance may only assist you in losing thousands of dollars on the services they provide. We gauge your house precisely and totally to make sure you are getting the right cost throughout this life-stalling procedure. Additionally, we provide you all the comprehensive information you require to ensure that you are correctly prepared and comfortable in knowing that your family, your house, your pets are secure when you come back!
At Reynolds Pest Management, Inc., we ensure to never bill you greater than you should pay, and we do not seek events to make use of your potential ignorance. Our main objective is offering you superb remedies to assist you in solving your issues, offering you the opportunity to pay a reasonable rate in the town. Tent fumigation for drywood termites is very important! Termites are the primary cause of property damage worldwide, as the number of properties damaged by termites can be even bigger than cases of fires or natural disasters. Not being careful enough could easily result in the necessity to pay for tent fumigation services, which are, unfortunately, very expensive for most property owners.
Tape And Seal Fumigation

Check out our new and special Tape and Seal Fumigation service and contact us to see if the property you own qualifies for it! If tape and seal is possible, you can avoid the unsightly tent over your home during the fumigation process. The first step we go through when providing our tent fumigation system is diagnosing your property and deciding which type of treatment it requires for solving the problem you are currently dealing with. We know that each property has its own characteristics, so the cost of the tent fumigation services we offer will vary.
The standard tent fumigation process we offer is simple. It involves covering your property with a tarp or tent, then flooding it with sulfuryl fluoride - a gas that can successfully penetrate the wood, killing all termites. This type of treatment can practically treat your walls of any termite infestation, which can lead to major property damage and, consequently, to expensive reparation services that will charge you a lot. The gas we use is Vikane, which has no odor or taste; therefore, there is no risk of causing any harm to your family. Tent fumigation constitutes a very efficient method to treat termite infestations that lie within the walls of your property’s structure. A certified and experienced pest control company that provides tent fumigation as one of their primary specialties is the best solution for getting rid of termites, as this will help you avoid paying thousands of dollars.
See if your property qualifies with our “Tape & Seal Fumigation Special” and find out how you can prevent wasting your money on roofing and landscape repair. Save money on your tent fumigation services and sign up for our free “Tape & Seal Fumigation Special” analysis right away! Tent fumigation for drywood termites is one of our pest control specialties, and this is why Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. is the best company you can hire for solving your problem with termites. Aside from offering close analysis and examinations of your property, we make sure that you will pay only as much as you were initially quoted – no hidden fees at all!
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