No-Excuses Bed Bug Exterminating By Licensed Bed Bug Exterminator
Although they’re called bed bugs, they don’t just live in beds. Clutter, baseboards, carpeting, sofas, and other pieces of furniture are all posh resorts to bedbugs, and at night they come out to dine on your blood. If you ever wake up with itchy or bruised skin, you may have a bed bug problem without even knowing it! Fortunately, a bed bug problem is entirely controllable under professional care. Using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, our licensed exterminators will inspect your home and construction to identify the problem and determine the best course of action. Whether you suspect you have a bed bug problem or just want to make sure you never get one, we have the expertise and training to get rid of your unwanted house guests for good. Female bed bugs can lay up to five eggs a day and 500 during a lifetime, so contact us today before your small problem becomes a big one!
How To Kill Bed Bugs

The best way to kill bed bugs inside your home is by hiring a licensed and experienced bed bug exterminator. Hiring a professional who has dealt with bed bugs, the products, and equipment is the best way to go when attempting to get rid of bed bugs. Do not attempt to control bed bugs with out consulting with a professional bed bug controlling company first! There are more steps to take during a bed bug treatment than any other pest control service. A homeowner must follow several steps prior to beginning a bed bug treatment. If you decide not to consult with a professional and choose to control bed bugs without expert help, you must follow the label on the bed bug product you purchase. There is a very good chance that the product available for purchase from non-licensed individuals is not strong enough to kill bed bugs. Bed bugs are considered one of the most difficult bugs in the world to control and kill, as they have grown to be very tolerant to the products available. Most professional pest control companies utilizes steam equipment to assist in the control measures, as many of the products are not as effective as a hot steam treatment. There have been several bad outcomes for individuals who have attempted to control bed bugs without a professional bed bug exterminator. Some cases resulted in the person dying from overuse of the product; others have become hospitalized and were very ill. This is why all bed bug outbreaks should be controlled by professionals.
How Do You Get Bed Bugs?
Many customers ask, how did I get bed bugs? Bed bugs do not just fly into your home or walk in through small cracks. Typically, bed bugs are found inside a home from either being picked up at a hotel or airplane while traveling, after tourists unknowingly bring them home in their luggage. Most times, an infestation inside your home will be from a bed bug that hid inside your luggage or on your clothing from a place that had the bugs. There have been cases of bed bugs inside libraries, hotels, and schools! Bed bugs would find their way into backpacks and come home with those carrying them.
Guaranteed Bed Bug Pest Control Treatments
Reynolds Pest Management, Inc. takes bed bug treatments very seriously, as we understand exactly what our customers are feeling with blood-sucking bugs inside their home. We take action fast and provide you with all the facts about bed bugs! We are committed to providing a quick, affordable, and, most importantly, effective solution to your pest problem, and we take every measure to uphold you and your family’s safety throughout the process.
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